In order to establish SSO between enteprise backend and Oracle Public Cloud, it's possible to use
SimpleSAMLphp (Federation tool) as an in-house
Identity Provider, and setup Oracle Cloud as the
Service Povider.
Cf official documentation
Managing Single Sign-On about the concept.
SSO relies on SAML 2.0 standard.
At the Identity Server (IDP) level
- Install Apache and PHP 5.3 +
- Install SimpleSAMLphp
- Just Follow documentation and yum install php53-mcrypt instead php-mcrypt if linux complains about it.
- Test with a simple SP provided with SimplePHPphp.
- Don't forget to un-comment the example-userpass !
- Export the metadata in a XML file
At the Cloud Service level
- Import the previous metadata file
- Accept default values and don't change anything.
- At the IDP server level:
- Follow documentation Servive Provider Quickstart
- Update the config/authsources.php with infos provided in the parameter pages (entity Id)
- EntityID value must be the same value as Provider Id
- Let's stay in http (vs https) mode for demo purpose
- Test the SSO (cf output below)
- enable it, only if test is ok.
Output Display after SSO test
Login page after enabling SSO
SimpleSAMLphp login page |