Oracle WebCenter Space allows creation of Collaboratives areas. As it’s very easy to create a WorkSpace, it’s common to observe a workspace proliferation. So, it can be useful to check the activity inside each of Spacers, and decide if it has to be archived depending the audience. This post explains how to setup a very simple diagram which provides, inside WebCenter Space, an overall activity statistics for a given Workspace.The idea relies on the fact that activity is recorded in database Table. Prerequisites Oracle WebCenter Spaces is already installed The schema which contains Spaces metadata is : DEV_WEBCENTER (or an other name) and the password must be known. Steps Create the following objects in DEV_WEBCENTER schema, with sqlplus or a similar tool create type ext_array as table of number; create function ext_gen_numbers(n in number default null) return ext_array PIPELINED as begin for i in 1 .. n...
Blog de Patrick Monaco